The Law of Relativity in Creating Your Authentic Self

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How can you leverage the Law of relativity to know yourself?
“Conversations with God” suggests that our life is made up of a bunch of personal experiences, and we can use the principle of physics to guide our self-creation. Every day and every moment is a chance to decide who you are in relation to what’s happening.
"You are constantly in the act of creating yourself. You are in every moment deciding who you are and what you are."
Conversations with God, Book One

Reflecting on Your Personal Identity:

" Life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation." "Seek, therefore, not to find out who you are, seek to determine who want to be".
Conversations with God, Book One

Reflect on the following questions to create or re-create your true Self:

1. Who Are You Right Now?
  • Take stock of this very moment. What are your beliefs, your values?
2. Who Are You Not?
  • Time to declutter! What doesn’t resonate with you?
3. Who Do You Choose to Be?
  • “By your decisions you paint a portrait of who you are.”
  • Paint a picture of new life experiences. What personal qualities do you want to test?
  • Now, get tactical. What small, actionable steps can you take daily to inch closer to those experiences?
4. How Do You Respond to Life’s Twists and Turns?
  • Time for a self-audit. How do you handle life’s curveballs? Are you staying true to your authentic self?
  • Each challenge, each experience – they’re opportunities to reveal your true self. Are you seizing them?

The Joy of Self-creation. The joy of knowing Self.

In closing, no matter where you find yourself, or whoever you are, remember that every situation is an opportunity to connect with your inner self. You possess the remarkable power to choose who you are in each moment.
"Create yourself anew through your experience."
Conversations with God, Book One