The power of sub or unconscious: Why you don’t get what you want.

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Have you ever felt like you’re doing everything right, but still not getting what you want?
Whether it’s finding a life partner, improving your current relationships, or achieving career and financial growth, sometimes it feels like an uphill battle. You set intentions, meditate, and work hard, but the results just don’t seem to match your efforts.
Well, I’ve been there too, and I want to share something that helped me gain a fresh perspective.
The Inner Battle: Conscious vs. Subconscious Mind
As renowned psychologists Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud discovered, our minds have different layers. We have the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind.
The conscious part is what we’re aware of, the things we want consciously like love, money, and a successful career. But beneath the surface, our subconscious and unconscious minds may have different ideas.
And that’s where the conflict happens.
This creates an internal conflict, leading to self-sabotaging behaviors and missed opportunities.
Getting Real with Yourself: Taking a Step Back
Recently, I tried a meditation technique that allowed me to zoom out and observe myself throughout the day, week, and even the year. It made me reflect on where I was spending my time, what was on my mind, the actions I was taking (or not taking), and the people I surrounded myself with. It was like taking a bird’s-eye view of my life.
Unveiling Your Subconscious Beliefs: The Key to Understanding
By zooming out and observing ourselves over time, we can start to uncover our subconscious beliefs. These beliefs shape our actions and decisions, often without us even realizing it.
For example, maybe you’re scared of getting hurt in relationships, or you believe that money is somehow bad. It’s important to recognize these beliefs because they can hold us back from achieving what we truly desire.
Questioning Your Beliefs: Empowering Change
Once we’ve identified these limiting beliefs, it’s time to challenge them. Ask yourself: “Do these beliefs help me or hold me back?”
If you genuinely want to find love, build wealth, or have a successful career, it’s crucial to let go of these beliefs and adopt new ones that empower you.
Visualizing a Brighter Future: Making It Real
Now, here’s where things get exciting! Set aside some time for yourself to visualize your life in fast forward mode.
Take a moment to review the past few months, and then imagine how your life would look if you kept going on the same path for the next 10, 20, or 30 years. What if nothing changed?
This exercise creates a sense of urgency and helps you see the importance of making different choices today.
The journey towards achieving your goals is not solely reliant on hard work, intention setting, and manifestation.
It requires a deeper exploration of your subconscious beliefs, as they significantly influence your thoughts, actions, and overall mindset.