Military Psychology Consultations

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Military Psychology Consultant Certified.

During the winter break at Harvard University, where I’m pursuing my Master’s in Psychology, I took the opportunity to deepen my skills in crisis psychology and psychological aid. It was an intense certified training program to provide military psychology consultations — a field I can relate to.

I am honoured to start assisting organisations and military personnel, their families, and those affected by war conflicts (In English and Ukrainian).

This includes:
– Supporting families of military personnel who participate in active combat;
– Families of hostages;
– Helping individuals prepare psychologically for combat.
– Assessing combat stress readiness and resilience.
– Conducting educational workshops for organisations that employ veterans or have employees who are family members of military personnel/or affected by war conflicts.

These workshops focus on:
✔️ How to support adaptation and resilience of employees.
✔️ Providing first psychological aid.
✔️ What to say (and what not to say).
✔️ Workplace considerations for those impacted by war.

If you or someone you know has been affected by war and needs psychological support, please don’t hesitate to reach out:
[email protected]

I am more than happy to offer help where it’s needed most. 🙏 💛 💙

PS: the photo shows me graduating from the National Academy of Defense of Ukraine more than a decade ago.