The ROI of Developing Emotional Intelligence: Real Success stories

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Ever wondered what sets successful leaders apart? In this article I am sharing a research shared with me by the Emotional Intelligence Training Company Inc .

Using the EQ-i assessment, the Company dived deep into the impact of Emotional Intelligence and reveal insights about how the EI development transforms leadership teams. 

Here’s a snapshot of why investing in Emotional Intelligence (EQ) pays off:

The EQ Success Factor, based on the MHS’s study:
  • EQ accounts for 15% to 45% of work success.
  • Based on studies with 4,888 working individuals, EQ emerges as a significant predictor of job success.
Top EQ Factors Across Occupations:
  • Overall Work Success: Self-Actualization, Happiness, Optimism, Self-Regard, Assertiveness.
  • Management Consultants: Assertiveness, Emotional Self-Awareness, Reality Testing, Self-Actualization, Happiness.
  • Nurses: Self-Actualization, Independence.
  • Elementary-School Teachers: Optimism, Self-Regard, Independence, Stress Tolerance, Happiness.
  • Engineers: Self-Actualization, Happiness, Optimism, Empathy, Interpersonal Relationships.
Practical Insights for Business Leaders:
  • Emotional Intelligence is like a recipe; it’s about finding the right combination for success.
  • Satisfaction at work is highest when emotional skills align with the job’s requirements.
Return on Investment (ROI):
  • Organizations that invest in EQ coaching experience improved team performance and job satisfaction.
  • EQ coaching goals:
    1. Familiarize participants with emotional intelligence components.
    2. Identify emotionally intelligent actions and behaviors.
    3. Improve emotional intelligence through understanding and practicing effective behaviors.
Why EQ Coaching Matters:
  • Measure current emotional and social functioning.
  • Provide feedback on perceived emotionally intelligent behavior.
  • Impact personal and professional performance positively.
EQ-i 2.0 in Business: Analyzing Proven Success Cases

American Express (Case 1)

Objective: Discerning top performance characteristics.


  • Metrics: Customer satisfaction and sales.
  • EQ-i Assessment: Correlation with superior performance.

ROI Impact:

  • EQ-i accounted for 48% of performance variance.

Strategic Insight:

  • EQ-i predictive model manifests in heightened sales and overall performance.

American Express (Case 2)

Objective: Crafting a robust training program.


  • EQ-i Program Implementation: Teams assessed on EI skill sets.
  • Evaluation: Exemplary short and long-term impact.

ROI Impact:

  • 100% reported enhanced transitions to higher roles through understanding EI strengths.

Strategic Insight:

  • EQ-i for Leadership Development ensures seamless transitions and superior leadership.

New Zealand Telecom Objective: Understanding the EQ-i and leadership connection.


  • High Performers: Demonstrated significantly higher EQ-i scores.
  • Key Skills: Self-actualization, stress tolerance, happiness.

ROI Impact:

  • 48% of differentiators between high and low performers linked to EQ-i attributes.

Strategic Insight:

  • EQ-i predictive model for Training and Coaching unveils a strategic roadmap for leadership success.

United States Air Force 

Objective: Mitigating attrition through understanding differences between recruiters.


  • EQ-i Assessment Differences: Discernible variances in critical areas.

ROI Impact:

  • 92% increase in retention and substantial cost savings.

Strategic Insight:

  • EQ-i predictive model for Selection translates into reduced costs and heightened productivity.

Investing in your leadership team’s Emotional Intelligence isn’t just a choice; it’s a strategic move for success. Witness improved job satisfaction, enhanced teamwork, and better decision-making by prioritizing EQ development.