The Power of the Connection Process in relationships.

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Ever struggled to establish long-lasting, happy, and healthy relationships? Whether it’s at work, with family, friends or loved one, it’s challenging sometimes, right?

I recently discovered this amazing book by Teal Swan called “The Connection Process: A Spiritual Technique to Master the Art of Relationships.” She suggests a cool idea—seeing people as landscapes with defense mechanisms as walls. Link to the book (link to amazon store): The Connection Process: A Spiritual Technique to Master the Art of Relationships by Teal Swan.

Key takeaways:

Discovering Inner Landscapes: Think of yourself as a countryside or city. What comes to mind? Is it lush and green? Or is it a beach by the ocean? Now, imagine people around you having unique landscapes within them. By being in a Traveller/Explorer mindset, you can go to such amazing places you never dreamed of.

Embrace Curiosity:

To connect deeply, let’s be curious about their inner landscapes. Applying your passion to traveling when connecting with people, you explore others’ hidden beauty and discover their depths.

Passport Control: Examining Our Own Walls:

Just like passport control at the airport, people have inner customs and walls:

  • What kind of walls protect your inner landscape?
  • What do these walls want to show you?
  • What walls do you face when trying to connect with people?

Understanding our own defense mechanisms is vital to connect better.

Reflect on your walls to create meaningful relationships: 

  • What walls do you need to lift because they are not serving you anymore?
  • What can you do to let the other person lift his or her wall/ walls?
Walls Reveal Insights:

Walls aren’t just protection; they reflect boundaries, values, and desires. Keep the walls that preserve your well-being, and tear down those hindering growth and connection. As Brene Brown said in her book “The Atlas of Heart”:

"If I don't know and understand who I am and what I need, want, and believe, I can't share myself with you".
Brene Brown
Lifting the Walls and Embracing Vulnerability:

In our quest to explore the landscapes of others, we must be willing to let our own walls be lifted as well. Vulnerability is the key that unlocks deeper connections.

By sharing our fears, dreams, and insecurities, we invite others into our inner world. Likewise, we can approach others with empathy and compassion, creating an environment where they feel safe to lower their own walls.

Respect and Patience:

Important to remember that we must not break walls. We need to use a key to let the walls dissolve. Remember, relationships take time. Respect others’ boundaries and be patient.

Healing wounds and building trust requires time.

By offering to understand, we show respect for their journey.

Closing notes:

Teal Swan’s “The Connection Process” offers a fresh perspective on relationships. Seeing people as landscapes with walls can transform our connections. By lifting our walls, we invite others to share their beautiful landscapes, creating enriching relationships. It’s time to connect and explore! Check the book for different types of walls and how to overcome them.