Transition: Rediscovering Meaning in Mid-Life

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In the pursuit of success, people often set ambitious career goals, such as becoming top-tier executives or successful entrepreneurs, become a millionaire, buy sports cars and houses. `However, reaching these milestones can lead to a surprising dilemma—once you achieved financial security, bought properties and cars, raised children, and got millions in the bank, the question arises: How can I find new meaning to keep moving forward, create new projects, and continue career journey? What lies beyond the traditional success? What’s next and why am I feeling empty?

Carl Jung’s Insights on Rediscovering Meaning:

Renowned psychologist Carl Jung provides valuable insights into the quest for meaning beyond material success. Carl Jung believed that mid-life presented a unique opportunity for people to explore and redefine their life’s purpose. He suggested that during this phase, often referred to as the “mid-life transition” or “midlife crisis,” people experience a shift in their priorities and a deep longing for a more meaningful existence. According to Jung, this transition is a crucial period for self-reflection and inner growth.

Jung emphasised that mid-life is a time when we confront our unconscious desires, unfulfilled dreams, and unresolved conflicts. It is a stage where we are called to reassess our values, goals, and aspirations. He believed that ignoring or resisting this transformative period could lead to a sense of stagnation and unhappiness.

Jung believed that finding mid-life purpose involved integrating both the light and dark aspects of ourselves, acknowledging our strengths and weaknesses, and embracing our full potential. It is a journey of self-acceptance and self-realisation.

Drawing from his work, you can consider the following paths to reignite your sense of purpose:

1. Individuation:
  • Jung emphasised the process of individuation, which involves becoming your true self, embracing all aspects of the psyche.
  • Engage in self-reflection to identify personal values, passions, and desires that go beyond external markers of success.

By integrating all parts of the self, you can tap into your unique potential and discover a more profound sense of purpose.

2. Archetypal Exploration:
  • Explore archetypes, universal symbols and patterns of human experience that resonate with the deepest parts of the psyche.
  • Seek to understand the archetypes that may be calling for expression in the pursuit of new projects and adventures.
    You may take an MBTI personality assessment that is based on archetypes developed by Carl Jung. 
    By aligning with archetypal energies, individuals can find greater meaning and inspiration in their pursuits.
3. Shadow Work:
  • Embrace the shadow, the hidden and unconscious aspects of the self that are often neglected or rejected.
  • Explore the shadow’s desires, passions, and aspirations, which may hold the key to untapped creative potential.
  • Integrating the shadow can lead to a more authentic expression of self and a renewed sense of purpose.
    11 minutes audio on Spotify explains the key concepts of Shadow:
4. Transcending the Ego:
  • Move beyond ego-driven desires for material success and external validation.
  • Cultivate a sense of connectedness to something greater than oneself, whether through spiritual practices, nature, or meaningful relationships.
  • By transcending the ego and connecting to a larger whole, individuals can find a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Mid-life transition, according to Carl Jung, is a stage in our lives where we experience significant changes and challenges. It typically occurs during our 40s or 50s, but the timing can vary for different individuals. During this phase, we may feel a sense of restlessness, dissatisfaction, or even confusion about our lives.

Jung believed that the mid-life transition arises because we reach a point where we have accomplished many of our early life goals.

At this stage, we start questioning the meaning and purpose of our lives. We may reflect on our choices, our values, and whether we are truly living authentically. It’s as if a part of us awakens and yearns for a more meaningful and fulfilling existence.

In simple terms, the mid-life transition is like a wake-up call that urges us to examine our lives and seek deeper meaning. It’s a time when we realise that there’s more to life than just external achievements or societal expectations. It’s about finding our own unique path, discovering what truly matters to us, and aligning our lives with our authentic selves.