Not seeing options or choices? 37 coaching questions to liberate yourself

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Are you feeling stuck and unsure of the right questions to ask yourself? You’re not alone. I hear many people face this challenge on their journey of personal growth. Even myself, I reach out to my coach when I find myself in loop. That’s why I’m sharing with you a worksheet: 37 coaching questions to breakthrough. This worksheet helped me recently and hope it will help you break through barriers and uncover new possibilities.

In this article, we’ll explore the power of this worksheet and how it complements the coaching experience.

My Personal Breakthrough:

Before sharing any worksheets, questions or tools, I put them to the test myself. I recently found myself facing a situation that was dragging me down, and this worksheet switched on the light back inside me. As I engaged with the questions, I experienced several realisations and came up with a solution that made me feel happy and confident. One question that stood out to me was, “What would someone who inspires you do in your situation?” Imagining advice from Ryan Reynolds brought a hilarious and inspiring breakthrough moment. 🙂

Beyond Your Current Thinking:

One common struggle people face is not being able to see beyond their current options or choices. That’s where the questions based on coaching principles come in. Not only the questions, but also put together in the right sequence, liberates your thinking and encourages you to explore new perspectives. By asking yourself these coaching questions, you’ll open up doors of possibility, uncover hidden potential, and gain clarity on your path forward.

How Does the Worksheet Differ from Coaching?

While a worksheet offers a unique self-guided experience, coaching session can lead to breakthroughs in as little as 15 minutes with less questions. A coach not only asks questions but also observes your emotional shifts, interprets non-verbal cues, and summarises your thoughts to support your self-expression, gives you space to speak and reflect. On the other hand, the 21 Coaching questions Worksheet allows you to reflect independently.


Coaching all about YOU. Through coaching, both you and your coach explore your own thoughts, beliefs, emotions, needs and wants. 

Coaching – is a productive reflection that leads to transformation and actions. 

Coach never tells you what to do, doesn’t train, doesn’t mentor, doesn’t judge. 

Coach always clarified YOUR goals, wants and needs. 

Coach facilitates your thinking process through questioning techniques, sharing obervations, summirising and mirroring your throughts. 

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