How to choose a personality assessment? Explaining the Top 4.

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Understanding ourselves and our unique personalities is a journey that can unlock incredible insights into who we are. There are so many tools available to help us dive into our own psyche. But which one is should you go for?

What the difference between them?

In this article, we will explore four top personality assessments—the MBTI, DISC, Gallup StrengthsFinder, and Big Five—and discover how they can provide valuable insights into our individuality.

But before you read further, I want to highlight that there is no assessment that will predict behaviour 100% and the assessment shows your default psychological system. 

However, through our lives we may develop compensation mechanism because of our DNA, family, environment and life experiences which may show a slight difference between your assessment results and how you feel. 

Important to discuss your assessment results with a professional, to identify your core identities and gained, and design your future self.

So, let’s review the top four personality assessments now:

1. MBTI: The Colorful Palette of Personalities

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was developed by a mother-daughter duo, Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers. They were influenced by the theories of Carl Jung, a renowned Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, who proposed the concept of psychological types.

Imagine your personality as a vibrant painting, with distinct hues and shades that make you who you are. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) uses four dichotomies—Extraversion vs. Introversion, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. Feeling, and Judging vs. Perceiving—to paint a comprehensive picture of your personality type.

By understanding your MBTI type, you can gain insights into your preferences, communication style, and how you interact with the world. Take the MBTI assessment at

2. DISC: The Dance of Behavioral Styles

The DISC assessment was developed by William Moulton Marston, a psychologist and inventor of the systolic blood pressure test, which later became the basis for the modern polygraph. Marston’s work on human behavior and emotions led him to develop the DISC model in the 1920s. The DISC model categorizes individuals into four main behavioral styles: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C). Marston’s goal with the DISC assessment was to provide insights into human behavior and improve understanding and communication among individuals.

Picture your personality as a dance, with unique movements and rhythms that shape your behavior. The DISC assessment categorizes individuals into four behavioral styles: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. Like dancers on a floor, each style brings its own flair and approach to life. DISC helps us understand our natural inclinations, strengths, and areas for growth, enhancing our self-awareness and interpersonal interactions. Take the DISC assessment at:

3. Clifton Strengths Assessment by Gallup: Unleashing Your Inner Superpowers

The Clifton Strengths Assessment, also known as CliftonStrengths or the Gallup StrengthsFinder, was developed by the Gallup Organization, a renowned research and consulting company. The assessment was based on the work of Donald O. Clifton, a psychologist and entrepreneur who believed in focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses to maximize individual potential. Clifton, along with his colleagues at Gallup, conducted extensive research to identify and classify a set of 34 distinct themes of talent and strength. The Clifton Strengths Assessment was designed to help individuals discover their unique strengths and leverage them for personal and professional success.

Imagine your personality as a collection of superpowers, waiting to be discovered and harnessed. Gallup StrengthsFinder focuses on identifying your top strengths out of 34 possible themes. It helps you uncover your innate talents and encourages you to develop and apply them to achieve personal and professional success. By understanding your strengths, you can maximize your potential and find fulfillment in areas where you naturally excel.

There is a separate strength assessment in Sales.

Take the Gallup StrengthsFinder assessment at

4. Big Five: The Kaleidoscope of Personality Traits

The Big Five Assessment, also known as the Five Factor Model or the Five Factor Personality Test, is based on the work of multiple researchers who contributed to the development and refinement of the model. Rather than having a single creator, the Big Five Assessment is the result of extensive research conducted by various psychologists over several decades.

Prominent researchers who played a key role in the development of the Big Five include Lewis Goldberg, Warren Norman, Robert McCrae, Paul Costa, and others. They conducted comprehensive studies and factor analyses to identify the fundamental dimensions of personality. The five broad dimensions identified are Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (often referred to as OCEAN).


Imagine your personality as a kaleidoscope, comprising various traits that combine uniquely in each individual.  Like pieces of a puzzle, these dimensions come together to form a comprehensive view of your personality. The Big Five offers insights into your behavior, tendencies, and emotional stability, helping you better understand yourself and others. Take the Big Five assessment at


Please note that some of these assessments may require payment or provide additional in-depth analysis for a fee. It’s always recommended to review the terms and conditions of each website before taking the assessments.

Other assessments to consider:
S.A.F.E.T.Y™ assessment developed by

This assessment is good for leaders to run across their team, if you want to know how to get them more motivated and improve their performance.

The results will give you insights for your leadership style.

The S.A.F.E.T.Y.™ Model identifies six crucial domains that impact the brain: Security, Autonomy, Fairness, Esteem, Trust, and You. By understanding the needs, rewards, motivations, biases, and stress triggers associated with each domain, we gain valuable insights into ourselves and others. This understanding can greatly enhance interactions, teamwork, and overall productivity.


Each of these assessments bring insights about your personality from different perspectives. Some people and organisations pair together different assessments or run them in different times, depends on what’s relevant for you at this particular moment.

While MBTI is good to know about your personality in micro details, DISC is also widely used in Sales to simplify prediction of a buying style of your client.  Clifton Strengths is valuable when you focus on your career and want to gain insights about your talents, and SAFETY model is to enhance your leadership style.

Lastly, the idea of all the assessments is to make your life easier and happy. By increasing your self-awareness, you help yourself to accept yourself, gain. healthy self-esteem, build confidence, gain new perspective, find a meaning in your life.