Career Coaching: Tips for Landing Your Dream Job in Canada

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Are you a qualified professional looking for a job in Canada? The job market can be tough, but with the right tools and strategies, you can land your dream job. I recently attended of a training session organised by KPMG recruiters in Toronto, and gained valuable insights on CV writing and how to perform well during interviews. In this article, I will share with you some of the key takeaways from the training and offer tips on how to optimise your job search.

Crafting Your CV: Fit for Position and Role Description

Your CV is the first impression that potential employers will have of you, so it is crucial to make it stand out. It is important to tailor your CV to the position and role description you are applying for. This means highlighting your relevant experience and skills that match the job requirements. Settlement agencies offer free resume writing help, and they can connect you with potential employers, but this service is only available to those already in Canada.

The Importance of Cover Letters

Cover letters are a must when applying for a job. They allow you to showcase your personality and communicate why you are the right candidate for the job. In your cover letter, describe the company you want to work for and your motivations. For example, if you want to work for a large organization that provides growth and learning opportunities, make sure to mention that.

Preparing for the Interview: Tell Me About Yourself

The first question in most interviews is usually “Tell me about yourself.” This is your chance to make a great first impression. When answering this question, be brief and relevant. Focus on your relevant experience and skills that match the job requirements. Do not tell your life story or your timeline. Instead, describe your motivations for wanting to work at the company.

Preparing for the Interview: Strengths and Weaknesses

Another common question is “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” When answering this question, focus on the job requirements. If leadership is mentioned in the job description, make sure to mention that as one of your strengths. For weaknesses, describe a weakness you have and the positive side of that weakness. Explain how you have taken steps to overcome it and how you have turned it into a strength.

Preparing for the Interview: Why Did You Leave Your Last Company?

When answering this question, focus on your motivations for leaving. Do not bring negative light to your previous employer. Instead, shine the light on your motivations for growth and focus on the future. Tie your answer to the job description and the role you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a leadership role, talk about how you wanted to grow as a leader.

Preparing for the Interview: What Questions Do You Have?

Always prepare 1-2 questions to ask at the end of the interview. Research the company beforehand and ask questions that show you are interested in the company and the recruiter who is interviewing you. For example, ask about the company’s values or the recruiter’s experience within the organization. This will show that you are focused and engaged during the interview.

Preparing for the Interview: Salary Expectations

When asked about salary expectations, provide a range and mention that you would like to know more about what the company offers. Ask about the bonus structure and the benefits that the company offers. Benefits could include flights, expenses, or education. Do not mention a specific amount that you will not go below.

Saying No: How to Do it Gracefully

If you are not interested in the job, it is important to decline gracefully. Thank the recruiter for the opportunity and explain that you are looking for a different range of expertise. Let them know that you would like to stay in touch for future opportunities.

In conclusion, landing your dream job in Canada requires preparation, strategy, and professional guidance. Even if are an experienced professional, get some support to go through your resume and cover letter.