Get Hired or Hire Right: Free Worksheets to Clarify Your Values and Goals

values clarification and goal setting worksheets
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I wanted to help you to save some money, if you haven’t started to work with a career coach or life coach yet.

 I’m sharing some worksheets here that you can download for free in Ukrainian and English to get started.

Let’s dive into the first exercise – Life values clarification.

The worksheet has a list of values and you rate each one on a scale of 1 to 5 based on how important it is to you. You can find values like justice, altruism, uniqueness, and freedom on the list. During a coaching session, a coach might ask questions like:

  • “What are your top three most important values?” or
  • “How do your values align with your current life choices?”

The worksheet includes a few values and you can google for more. 

My favourite questions to identify values are:
  • What was the happiest moment in your life? Why?
  • When was the last time you felt going agaisnt yourself? Why?

The second exercise is a Wheen – a powerful tool to visualize how your values are present in your life and where you want to be. You can also use this wheel to visualize your life balance. Instead of values, you can write down the different areas of your life that are present or you want to add or replace.

Once you’re done with the wheel, take some time to reflect on these three questions:
  • What are your observations about the balance in your life? Which values/areas are more or less balanced than you thought they would be?
  • What actions can you take to improve the areas/values of your life that are not as balanced as you would like them to be?
  • What values do you hold that may be causing some areas of your life to be more important than others? How can you adjust your values or priorities to live more by your values?
Lastly, the third exercise is Goal setting.

Before you start a coaching journey, Coaches always start with clarifying goals, following the ICF code of ethics.

During a coaching session, I like  to ask:

  • “Where do you want to be?” or
  • “In ideal world, what would you like to happen?”
  • “How will you feel after achieving this goal?”

I hope these worksheets help you clarify your values and goals without breaking the bank!

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