Power of Personality AI tools: 20% increased conversion rate.

Personality AI tools for sales
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No one in sales trainings is speaking about this, so I wanted to share my experience with applying DISC in sales, using Personality AI tools like Crystalknows.com and Humantic.ai.

As a sales trainer, I’m always looking for ways to improve sales performance and cut down the sales cycle time.

Back in 2020 I started using Crystalknows.com when I worked for a tech consultancy firm, but by 2021 I found the pricing to be too high for my budget. So, I switched to Humantic.ai.

The difference between the two are:
  1. Crystalknows generates better scripts for emails, calls and meetings;
  2. Crystalknows generates recommendation for meetings with multiple stakeholders ;
  3. Humantic.ai provides a wider and deeper explanation of personality types and behavior traits.
  4. Humntic.ai can analyse personality not only within Linkedin, but in gmail and CRM too.
  5. Humantic.ai integrated with your Calendar and automatically generates your upcoming meeting insights about all the attendees.
A detailed difference described here.

I used DISC to assign leads to sales reps based on the best match.

Additionally, I used it to:

  • write cold emails and messages,
  • prepare for meetings, negotiating and
  • closing deals.

As a result:

  • I cut down the sales cycle from 12-16 weeks to 8-10 weeks
  • and increased the average check per client from $25K to $70K+.

Using Humantic.ai is super easy (for me 🙂 . All you need to do is:

  1. sign up,
  2. install the Google Chrome extension,
  3. and run it on your CRM or email, or Linkedin.

It only takes 30 seconds to evaluate the DISC type and generate insights for sales.

That’s how it looks like in a browser, on Linkedin website:

I can also share the report link with someone and/or download PDF.

Download PDF

One case study with Salesforce showed that they increased conversion rates by 20% using DISC-based cold email outreach.

So how do you do it?

You need to divide leads into four categories: D, I, S, C.

You can do DISC analysis manually one by one, or upload .CSV file, or copy+paste linkedin links of your prospects through the humantic.ai Admin web interface. 


Then, write email sequences/messages considering the communication style and buying style of each DISC type.

More ideas of how and what to write, check crystalknows.com Resources.

I also often share this playbook in my sales trainings: Improve your calls and meetings.

Overall, using DISC in sales has been a positive for me and I continue to experiment with it.

Disadvantage is that I still need to use Google Spreadsheets to plan my emails and messages, based on DISC types. 
But maybe it’s because I haven’t nailed the Hubspot yet.Â