Morning rituals to avoid burnout.

morning rituals to avoid burnout
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What do you wake up to every morning?
How do you succeed in sales?
My answer is: it all depends on how I start my day. 
I used to be a night owl. I would get up not too early in the morning, have a breakfast, and leave straight for work after getting ready. 
My lunch would be eaten at my desk or not at all since I worked overtime and late hours. Instead, I would drink coffee all day long. 
Then I’d go to sleep late after a 1.5-hour workout in the gym. 
Furthermore, I worked weekends just because I loved what I did.
Even though I was really productive and successful in sales, I burned out before hitting my 30s just a few years later.
Now I am learning to balance my life and to take care of my energy. 
I wake up with it. 
Here’s how my transformation began:
1. Waking up full of energy:

it was time to evaluate my sleeping patterns. 
I downloaded the app Rise and discovered my chronotype online

I started to get up at 5.30-6.30 am and now I get up between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. most of the time, even on weekends.
In bed by 9.30 pm – 10.30 pm.
2. What do I do for myself?
I started doing more of my happy things. It lifts my spirits.
My daily routine includes long walks, reading, and working out. 
3. Managing emotions:

through meditation and affirmations enabled me to develop feelings of gratitude, kindness, and curiosity. 

It stimulates production of serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine (curiosity).
I love this app: MyLife
4. Writing my goals down, big and small.

Every single morning. 
Our brains and hands are paired together. In order to train the brain to focus on what we need, it is very effective to write down our desires. 

I also found this app helpful to stay focused at work:
Different brain waves are stimulated by AI-generated music. 
As a final note: 
It is common to underestimate morning rituals. Changing hard-wired habits and behaviours is also difficult. Nevertheless, by taking 1 small step per day, you’ll be able to make a big impact. 
This audiobook reinforced my discipline: Compound effect.
I hope you feel great!