Building personal brand on Linkedin

build your personal brand on linkedin
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Make sure you have a strong LinkedIn profile before even thinking about selling through Linkedin. 

I was speaking about B2B sales on Linkedin for Fundraising Radio in 2020, covering Linkedin profile structure.

Even though some techniques are outdated, you may find some helpful insights here:

1. So, the first thing I’d recommend you to start with is Profile Cover.

Consider that your potential clients will open your Linkedin profile from a smart phone. You might want to check how it looks on your phone. 
The cover is meant to give a general idea of what you’re doing and/or what you’re striving for. 
Be sure to avoid buzz words and “sales” banners.
Make it short, simple, unique, and genuine.

2. Experiment with your profile photo.

Photos affect different people in different ways. Don’t be afraid to update your photo regularly to see which one will yield the best response.
Avoid too casual photos, however. 
Stay professional, but not too serious. Otherwise, people won’t feel comfortable approaching you. 
Choose photos in which you smile.

3. Write a catchy headline which is shown under your profile picture.
4. Describe yourself briefly.

Focus on your key achievements and qualities. 

Imagine you are your own client: what facts will make you feel trusted?

Or think of your audience: what do they need to know in order to trust you?

5. Describe your experience based on your goal.

Would you like to get a job?

Would you like to sell a product or service?

To get hired, list key accomplishments and explain your role. 

When selling services or products, emphasize the values of solutions you offer.

Think of your “Experience space” as an ad space for your company.

Attach a presentation. You may be surprised by how many people actually download it.

6. Volunteering experience will make your profile outstanding.

Running a marathon for charity foundation fundraising counts!

7. Highlight the useful content you post for your audience.

Regularly post short insights on Linkedin and pin them to featured with your target audience in mind. 

Building your personal brand involves posting content and commenting on other people’s posts. 

Spend at least 15 minutes a day interacting with people in groups, in comments. 

Post at least three times a week. 

Engagement rates and impressions will vary from post to post. 

The best posts will have:

  • photos that include people
  • polls
  • about trending topics 

In addition, don’t be afraid to tag companies and/or people in your posts.